
The Hungarian American Medical Association (HMAA) is an organization of Hungarian-born doctors and researchers working in North America, which was established in Cleveland in order to preserve and promote the medical tradition back in 1968. The HMAA aims to provide a friendly and professional tie between medical experts living in North America and Hungary.

The first edition of the Festival of Medical Students and Doctors (Hungarian abbreviation: MOF) was organised between the 26th and the 30th of June, 2014 at the Lake Balaton. The colourful festival was carried out by the UP Medical School.

The pan-art Festival labelled as excellent by the Hungarian Festival Association and awarded second place in the Hungarian festivals' gradation in 2010 befalls at almost 20 locations in 5 villages through the course of 5 days, every year in August. Several of the musical, theatrical, literary and fine art programs require an intimate, inward setting for a small audience, while some of them are real open-air festival-concerts with thousands present.

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has published its latest 2014 ranking list. The University of Pécs demanded a place for itself among the world’s thousand top universities as well. The 862th place means that the UP keeps its position and therefore still belongs to the leading 4% of international higher education institutions worldwide!

The European Commission published an open call for expressions of interest to establish a pool of experts to be potential members of the Panel for the European Capital of Culture EU action.

We would like to inform our students and staff members that the Knowledge Centre of the University of Pécs is working with shortened opening hours during the summer. Check out our memo and make sure that you don't go wrong when visiting the main library!

The great investment of the University of Pécs, which is worth of nearly 850 million forints has reached an important stage. The contractor has finished the structural work on the Rehabilitation Centre which was supported by EU grants. On this festive occasion, a traditional topping out ceremony was organized on the 15th of July.

Athletes from 25 countries came together in the XI. World University Wrestling Championship, the most prestigious event in this branch of sports in the world, which was held in Pécs this year. The event was organized by the University of Pécs, the Hungarian University and College Sports Association and the Hungarian Wrestling Association, in collaboration with the City of Pécs and the Pécsi Sport Nonprofit Ltd. The tournament took place between the 7th and 12th of July.

We are proud and pleased to inform our students, staff and partners that János László, Professor of the Institute of Psychology was honoured by the prestigious Jean-Paul Codol Award in 2014 for his activities in the field of European social psychology development.

Each year on the 26th of June, people around the world celebrate the world day against drugs. On this occasion, Károly Czibere, secretary for Social Affairs and Social Inclusion at the Department of Human Resources honoured Professor Gábor Kelemen, professor of the UP’s Faculty of Humanities with the Elige Vitam (meaning: Choose to live) Award.


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