Get a taste of the World University Wrestling Championship 2014!

Athletes from 25 countries came together in the XI. World University Wrestling Championship, the most prestigious event in this branch of sports in the world, which was held in Pécs this year. The event was organized by the University of Pécs, the Hungarian University and College Sports Association and the Hungarian Wrestling Association, in collaboration with the City of Pécs and the Pécsi Sport Nonprofit Ltd. The tournament took place between the 7th and 12th of July.

Watch the short video summary made by the UP's Universitas Television!

The Hungarian team gave us several reasons to be proud of. Here is a list of the best results and achievements of the Hungarian wrestlers:


  • Greco-Roman (GR) style 66 kg - 1. place: Krisztián Jäger
  • GR 71 kg - 1. place: Tamás Lőrincz
  • GR 75 kg - LászlóSzabó
  • GR 80 kg - 3. place: Gábor Madarasi and Piotr Przepiorka
  • GR 85 kg - János Tősi and Nikolaj Gracsev
  • GR 98 kg - 1. place: Iván Németh
  • GR 130 kg - 1. place: Bálint Lám
  • GR Team Competition - 1. place: HUNGARY
  • Freestyle (FS) 57 kg - 10. place: Milán Nyíri
  • FS 61 kg - 10. place: Béla Németh
  • FS 65 kg - 11. place: Gergely Bábszky
  • FS 70 kg - 3. place: Zsombor Gulyás andSamil Magomedov
  • FS 74 kg - 15. place: Bendegúz Lagzi-Kovács
  • FS 86 kg - Sándor Tőzsér and Oleg Kcojev
  • FS 97 kg - 3. place: Mihály Szabó and Partyk Dublinowski
  • FS 125 kg - 3. place: Richárd Csercsics and Marijan Todorov


  • 48 kg - 11. place: Ivett Mihálovics
  • 55 kg - 8. place: Éva Kőrösi
  • 58 kg - 1. place: Emese Barka
  • 60 kg - 7. place: Szimonetta Jäger
  • 63 kg - 7. place: Gabriella Sleisz

For more details on final results, galleries and videos, please check out the official website of the WUC 2014!


The UP congratulates all the participants and winners and wishes further success!


You shall not pass!