
The Senate of the University of Pécs held its ceremonial meeting on 6 November in the Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula, where honorary doctor titles, pedagogical duty medals, professor emeritus, private professor, honorary professor, honorary docent and habilitated doctor degrees were conferred.

From 10. November 2014 on, patients can find the inpatient and chemotherapeutic unit of the Department of Oncotherapy at the UP Clinical Centre Rákóczi Street premise. Also the Oncology Care is being moved, however only to the next building; the service will be ongoingly available at the Édesanyák Street, the new place will be established in the radiation therapy unit. The old building of these units will be demolished, they will be replaced by new, modern hospital facilities.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. On this episode of the video series made by the UP Universitas Television, Judit Streit, researcher at the Faculty of Business and Economics is going to introduce an exciting area of her discipline.

The University of Pécs Medical School International Studies Center welcomes more than a hundred new students at its preparatory course through the Stipendium Hungaricum fellowship for the academic year 2014/15. The opening ceremony of the program on the 27 October was given by Dr Gyula Zeller, vice rector of the UP, Dr Attila Miseta, dean of Medical School UP, Dr Ferenc Gallyas, head of the English Program at the Medical School UP and Dr Reza Hemmati scientific advisor of UP MS ISC, representative of Pécs Medical School.

Festive meeting was organised on the occassion of the 46. Medicine Days. At the event gold, diamond and ruby honorary diplomas and commemorative medals were handed over to former and current academics and researchers. At the two-day event, scientific lectures of the representatives of graduated classes have also been held. György Buzsáki, the renowned neuroscientist currently living in New York talked about the memory to the audience.

The first Cochrane Centre of Hungary was established on 16 October in Pécs, the opening ceremony was a scientific program held at the Hotel Palatinus.

Dr. Tibor Mintál is mostly known as an orthopedic surgeon in Pécs, many don’t know that he is also doing sports pretty well. This year he competed in 3 swimming styles at the 35. World Medical and Health Games, where he won in 3 gold medals in 50 m butterfly and both in the 100 m and 400 m freestyle competitions.

Samsung Electronics Magyar Zrt. and the University of Pécs (UP) established strategic cooperation in various areas such as education, health care and research and development. The agreement has been signed on 16t October by the leaders of UP and Samsung Electronics.

From September 29 on, patient care started in another area: from the previous location at the Rákóczi street the Emergency Care Unit of the Clinical Centre was moved to the renewed 400-Bed Clinic. 

From 23-26 October the Janus University Theatre (JESZ) will organise the International University Theatre Festival again, the first time in it's new home, in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter.


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