IX. International University Theatre Festival

From 23-26 October the Janus University Theatre (JESZ) will organise the International University Theatre Festival again, the first time in it's new home, in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter.

Between October 23 and 26, the  Janus University Theatre is going to organise the festival for the 9th time. 

This time, Belgian, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian and Austrian university students are going to arrive to the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. Hungary is going to be represented by Győr, Szeged and the two groups of Pécs. The members of the jury will be Lívia Dobák and Péter Uray, the festival director is János Mikuli.


The detailed programme can be retrieved HERE!


Website of the JESZ: http://jesz.pte.hu 



Groups and plays:

Banja Luka / 
Banjaluka Student Theater, Serbia/
Portraitof a lyrical warrior (Portret Lirskog Ratnika) 24 October 19:00


Győr /MASZEK Theater of University, Hungary/
Molière  The Misanthrope, 23 October 21:00

Iasi / 
LUDIC Student Theatre, Romania/
The Body of the Woman as a Battlefield in the BosnianWar (Desprecorpul femeii ca un camp deluptain razboiul din Bosnia) 25 October 20:00


Liège /Theatre Universitaire Royal deLiège, Belgium/

Franz Kafka: Report to an Academy (Communication à uneacadémie) 24 October 17:00


Graz /UNI-T, Verein für Kultur an der Karl-Franzes-Universität/
Flirt in the Zsolnay Quarter (Liebelei Zsolnay Quarter)
 24 October 21:00

/Szegedi University Theatre, Hungary/
István Örkény: A borék ("The Enlope") – comedy and one minutestories 25 October 16:00


Zagreb /Comparative literature club „K”'s Theatre Group, Croatia/
4.48 Sarah in fragments 23 October 19:00


Pécs /The Ship of EscargoTheatrical and Educational Group, Hungary/
Balkan 25 October 19:00


Pécs /Janus University Theatre, Hungary/
Beckett: Words and Music 23 October 17:00


You shall not pass!