Newly inaugurated Honorary Doctors of the University of Pécs

The Senate of the University of Pécs held its ceremonial meeting on 6 November in the Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula, where honorary doctor titles, pedagogical duty medals, professor emeritus, private professor, honorary professor, honorary docent and habilitated doctor degrees were conferred.

Dr. József Bódis, rector of the University of Pécs greeted the guests of honor, the doctors to be inaguruated, the representatives of the city and the university. In the followings Kálmán Tóth professor, Knowledge and Innovation vice-rector shared his thoughts on the occassion of the Hungarian Science Festival



In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the doctoral statutes of the University of Pécs the Senate of the University confers the degree of honorary doctor upon those people from Hungary and abroad who

  • have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields for several decades
  • have gained international recognition
  • have maintained close links with the University of Pécs
  • have rendered the university and the Hungarian sciences outstanding services
  • and the recognition of whose activities, by conferring upon them the honorary doctor title, boosts the prestige of the University of Pécs.


Honorary doctor and professor title was conferred on:

  • Professor Hans-Heino Ewers, leader of the Goethe University in Frankfurt;
  • Professor Berthold Koletzko, professor of the Ludwig Maximilians University.


Honorary Doctor title was conferred on:

  • Professor Boris Anatolyevich Yakimovich, rector of the Izhevsk State Technical University;
  • Professor Ádám Török, secretary general of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.



Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Resources handed over the Hungarian Pedagogical Duty Commemorative Medal award to: 

  • László Tóth, assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities
  • Lajos Varga, college professor at the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.


The Senate of the University of Pécs conferred the Professor Emeritus title and golden badge with the UP's coat of arms upon the following professors:

  • István Kistelegdi, professor at the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
  • János Kránicz, professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Endre Lendvai, professor at the Faculty of Humanities
  • Zsolt Visy, professor at the Faculty of Humanities



The Senate of the University conferred university private professor title and and the silver badge with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • Beáta Gasztonyi


The Senate of the University conferred honorary university professor titles and and the silver badge with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • Gerhard Dieter Seewann
  • Sándor Martsa


The Senate of the University conferred honorary university docent titles and and the silver badges with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • Balázs Győrffy
  • Roland Nátrán
  • Ferencné Sövényi
  • János Szemelyácz


The Habilitation Committee conferred habilitation doctorary certificate


In the field of linguistics:

  • Peter Canisius
  • Gábor Győri
  • Anna Reder


In the field of philosophy:

  • Ferenc Patsch
  • Deodáth Zuh


In the field of architecture:

  • András Kertész


In the field of music:

  • Péter Tóth


You shall not pass!