New location of two units of the oncotherapy care in Pécs

From 10. November 2014 on, patients can find the inpatient and chemotherapeutic unit of the Department of Oncotherapy at the UP Clinical Centre Rákóczi Street premise. Also the Oncology Care is being moved, however only to the next building; the service will be ongoingly available at the Édesanyák Street, the new place will be established in the radiation therapy unit. The old building of these units will be demolished, they will be replaced by new, modern hospital facilities.

The Oncotherapy Department of the Clinical Centre will have a brand new building from European Union fund. The demolition of the nearly 100 years old hospital unit will be started by the contractor within 2 weeks. Therefore, some elements of the oncology care will be temporarly moved for the time of the constructuin to the former county hospital's premise at Rákóczi Street 2., to the 2. and 3. floor of the building "K". The doctors and the clinical staff will be also available for consultation or appointment making at the new location. The visiting hours and opportunities won't change, relatives can meet the patients according to the existing order and schedule.

The relocation will be organised the following way: On Friday 9. November patients should go to the current location, however from 10. November patient care will be provided at the new address.



The Édesanyák Street location


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