Clinical Centre

The XXXIV. Medicine TOP conference and  the V. Health Ministers - State Secretaries Summit were recently held  in Budapest. At this event were awarded health institutions with outstanding performance in 2016. The Clinical Centre has won the ‘Award for Excellent University’, while the First  Department of Internal Medicine has won the ‘Award for Excellent Cardiology Center’.


The restoration of the onetime 400-bed clinic will be finished soon so the sections operating temporary in Rákóczi út could start their moving back to the building in the Ifjúság útja.


The „A” and „C” wings, as well as the Emergency Care Unit of the 400-Bed Clinical Centre of the University of Pécs was ceremonially handed over. The clinical complex was handed over by Gábor Zombor, Secretary of State for Healthcare, Zsolt Páva, Major of Pécs and József Bódis, Rector of the University of Pécs. This way it is only one step missing – reconstruction of the „B” wing – that patient care could operate in the completely renewed Clinical Centre under the most modern circumstances in the capital of Baranya county.

From 10. November 2014 on, patients can find the inpatient and chemotherapeutic unit of the Department of Oncotherapy at the UP Clinical Centre Rákóczi Street premise. Also the Oncology Care is being moved, however only to the next building; the service will be ongoingly available at the Édesanyák Street, the new place will be established in the radiation therapy unit. The old building of these units will be demolished, they will be replaced by new, modern hospital facilities.

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