Ördögkatlan Festival - Meet the Faculty of Humanities!

The pan-art Festival labelled as excellent by the Hungarian Festival Association and awarded second place in the Hungarian festivals' gradation in 2010 befalls at almost 20 locations in 5 villages through the course of 5 days, every year in August. Several of the musical, theatrical, literary and fine art programs require an intimate, inward setting for a small audience, while some of them are real open-air festival-concerts with thousands present.

At this year's Ördögkatlan Festival, the Faculty of Humanities as one of the major cultural players in the region decided to represents itself as well. Organizers are about to fill the courtyard of the village of Palkonya with a colourful series of events between the 7th and 9th of August, 2014.

For more information on the festival, please visit the official festival website!

You shall not pass!