
On the 22–23th of April, 2014 the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University hosted the VI. International Conference “Technical Universities: Integration with European and World Education Systems” within the framework of international forum “Education Quality – 2014”. On this occasion, József Bódis, rector of the UP received Honoris Causa Degree from the host institution.

The brand new 3,2km long bicycle path of Pécs was handed over officially to the citizens on the 30th of March, 2014. The ceremony was combined with numerous programmes and a joint ride from the University Campus building in Ifjúság Street to the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter.

One of the most awaited, annually organised international events of the University of Pécs took place in the EXPO Centre on the 5th of April. The organisers, the English-German Student Council and the Medical School of the UP demonstrated again: there is a perfect combination of charity and entertainment; and it is called International Evening!

The new central webpage of the University Pécs will be available for users from the 31th of March (Monday), under the link 

Created by the International Relations Office of the University, a brand new website for prospective international students had been designed lately, which is available at

Within the framework of a major project by the European Union, seven English and eleven Hungarian digital study materials were designed by the Pharmacy Programme of the UP’s Medical School. The lately presented materials can be used internationally.

The lately renovated building of the first university in Hungary was handed over in the middle of March in Pécs. The renovation budget of the ruins took about half a billion forints. The medieval building located behind the basilica is open to the wide audience from the 21th of March.

Accepting the invitation of the UP’s Medical School and the English-German Student Council, on the 17th of March, 2014 Dr. Patch Adams visited to Pécs. The world-famous and inspiring doctor, writer, clown and social activist held an amazing motivational presentation in the auditorium of the Medical School, in front of hundreds of students. The speech about the importance of laughter and fun in medical education was a great success.

On the 20th of March, 2014 the University of Pécs held the festive event of giving away new doctorary certificates. Promotions were handed over by József Bódis, Rector of the Universirty, László Komlósi, Vice Rector and János László, President of the Doctoral Committee.

An outstanding international scholarship forum and informational day for students and teachers was organized by the Tempus Public Foundation and the University of Pécs in the middle of February, 2014. The main goal of the unique event taking place in the Knowledge Centre was to provide a comprehensive picture of all the scholarship programmes available for students.


You shall not pass!