Pharmacy Programme: modern study materials for foreign students

Within the framework of a major project by the European Union, seven English and eleven Hungarian digital study materials were designed by the Pharmacy Programme of the UP’s Medical School. The lately presented materials can be used internationally.

Through the project, the Pharmacy Programme, which is soon about to become an independent faculty will further strengthen its presence in the field of foreign language education. The new digital materials can be considered a significant step forward for the entire Hungarian medical and scientific education. Educational materials produced by the Pharmacy Programme of the UP were presented in the end of March, on the occasion of a conference in Pécs.

Dr. Attila Miseta, Dean of the Medical School of the UP emphasized in his welcome speech that the freshly prepared educational materials already raised lively interest not only in the pharmaceutical educational sites of Hungary, but also in institutions dealing with science and medicine.

Study materials - which were prepared under the leading control of Dr. Pál Perjési, programme manager for the UP MS Pharmacy Programme and Dr. Rita Bognár, project coordinator - embrace specific areas of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical technology and pharmacognosy. An important advantageous feature of the materials is that in addition to new and intuitive ways in enabling knowledge transfer, continuous updating is also possible, which is a crucial aspect in the ever-changing world of science.

The training of teachers was an important issue as well. Teachers of the programme had the opportunity to acquire technical knowledge required for the digital context of teaching, on the other hand, intensive foreign language courses were also attended. As a result, 10 advanced level language exams were accomplished.

New materials will be available soon on the website of the Pharmacy Programme; later on they will be downloadable from as well.

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