Brand new portal system of the University of Pécs!

The new central webpage of the University Pécs will be available for users from the 31th of March (Monday), under the link


The I-Shark portal system of the University was set up six years ago. It was considered a huge step for the University at that time; the freshly designed page was even awarded the "Campus Website of the Year" title in the same year by the University and College Press Association. But time has passed by and our good old "shark" found it more and more difficult to cope with the challenges of the constantly changing info-technological environment.

Six years is a really long period of time in IT-terms. During this time, the website changed completely: In the beginning, in 2008, the webpage was rather dominated by current news; we can say it used to function as a kind of an independent editorial board, integrating several areas of the central administration as well. Nowadays, however, numerous university units and departments with a high level of autonomy decided to become independent which resulted in a portal system accumulating over 180 sub-portals. As a consequence, a change in the field of IT-solutions, as well as in the corporate image became increasingly necessary.

The Hungarian version of the university webpage is the very first central website of our institution using the Drupal open-source portal engine. The new homepage is compatible with the following recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer - version 9.
The most recognized benefits of this system are flexibility, usability and user-friendliness, customization, and the broad background support. This results in being able to serve the individual needs occurring on the institutional level faster than ever before.

Contrary to the previous I-shark system, the current development was carried out and funded from completely internal resources: The technological part was secured by the IT Department of the University of Pécs, while employees of the Marketing Department designed the image and managed the editorial issues of the appearing content.

Now that the Hungarian webpage is just about to start, it is high time to begin the renewal of the English and German pages of the University. Until that happens, the UP wishes a joyful browsing on our current websites in foreign languages!

Further information:

In case of technical problems please report your complaints to the IT Service Desk:

About the elements of the University's Corporate Identity:

The official Facebook pages of the University of Pécs:

The official YouTube channel of the University of Pécs:

You shall not pass!