Edible wonders & cultural highlights in the name of charity – IE 2014! (VIDEO)

One of the most awaited, annually organised international events of the University of Pécs took place in the EXPO Centre on the 5th of April. The organisers, the English-German Student Council and the Medical School of the UP demonstrated again: there is a perfect combination of charity and entertainment; and it is called International Evening!

Walking among international students of the UP last week, one could easily catch words of excitement and preparation for the top event of the upcoming weekend, the International Evening. The intercultural highlight of Pécs offered the chance to experience amazing performances, a lot of delicious food and refreshments prepared by several different nations. Representing their countries and cultures with culinary specialties, dances and shows, students from 66 nations worldwide gave a very unique insight into the character of the cultural diversities. Just to mention some of the colourful variety of country tables: Brazil, Iran, Sweden, Turkey, Finland, Germany, Spain, Mexico and Cuba, the USA and South Korea, and of course Hungary.

Thanks to the formal dress code, the event was a great pleasure not only for the stomach, but also for the eyes. Moreover, many people dressed up in national and traditional clothing of their country of origin.

The doors opened at 7 pm; the joyful ride along the tasting tables was followed by welcome speeches of the EGSC leadership; by Dr. József Bódis, Rector of the UP andDr. Attila Miseta, Dean of the Medical School. While national performances of the participating country representatives were taking place on the main stage, there were further options to get warmed up for the after party by listening to the young and talented musicians of the PMS (Pécs Music Society). For those who wanted to take a short break between the substantial dinner and the big party starting about midnight, a third room offered the opportunity to chill and relax.

To open the English subtitled version, click on "CC" button in the right corner of the video.
If necessary, switch the subtitles settings to English in the same corner!

Special feature of the glamorous, all-night-long event was that it had been organised for a good cause. All the money collected from the ticket sales goes to charity. Last year, organisers were able to fund a special surgical instrument, a so-called fetoscope for intrauterine surgery, worth 5 Million HUF.

Hereby, the University of Pécs would like to congratulate to the organising team, as well as to the country representatives for their conscientious and thorough work. Furthermore, we are proud of each of our students and employees who decided to support the generous cause, and made this event even more colourful and successful!

We hope to see you next year again!

Photo gallery of the Medical School »


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