Ceremonial handover of Doctorary Certificates at the UP!

On the 20th of March, 2014 the University of Pécs held the festive event of giving away new doctorary certificates. Promotions were handed over by József Bódis, Rector of the Universirty, László Komlósi, Vice Rector and János László, President of the Doctoral Committee.

After successfully defending their theses, PhD and DLA degrees were awarded to several candidates. Following the festive welcome speech, the rector also congratulated the national laureates awarded ont he occasion of the Hungarian national holiday for their acknowledgements.

New holders of the Doctorary Certificate of the University of Pécs are:

On the field of law studies:

  • Borbála Gyöngyike Jójárt
  • Mrs. Kaszás Ágnes Roxán Kéry
  • Imre Kilián
  • Zoltán Lomnici
  • Andrea Szabó

On the field of biological studies:

  • Zsófia Kovács-Bálint
  • Kinga Rudolf
  • Ildikó Szivák
  • Dániel Babai
  • Mrs. Helga Déri Nagy Tibor


On the field of health sciences:

  • Katalin Fogarasi-Nuber
  • Bálint Molics
  • Anikó Németh
  • Zoltán Németh
  • János Pálhalmi

On the field of physical studies:

  • Ferenc Pittler
  • Mrs. Nóra Sándor Vecsei



On the field of earth sciences:

  • Mrs. Mária Miklós Eördögh
  • Noémi Lívia Görcs
  • István Horváth
  • Róbert Kiss
  • Ildikó Mátrai


On the field of pharmaceutical studies:

  • Magdolna Háda
  • Szilárd Pál

On the field of chemical sciences:

  • Ágnes Varga

On the field of economic studies:

  • Katalin Erdős
  • Melinda Oparin-Salamon
  • Zoltán Takács
  • Eszter Varga

On the field of pedagogy:

  • Erzsébet Kazarján

On the field of linguistic studies:

  • Viktória Ferenc
  • Tibor Mester
  • Zsuzsanna Szilvási
  • Margit Szalacsek
  • Éva Szöllősy

On the field of medical sciences:

  • Mihály Aradi
  • Eszter Bognár
  • Ákos Varga-Szemes
  • Réka Füredi

On the field of psychological sciences:

  • László Balázs
  • László Kelemen
  • Bettina Márta
  • Hajnalka Szentiványi-Makó

On the field of historical studies:

  • László Gazdag
  • Péter Gábor
  • László Glück
  • Tamás Kovács


On the field of literature sciences:

  • Ádám Guld,
  • Noémi Keresztes-Kila
  • Zsófia Kucserka

The ceremony was closed by the speech of Dr. Gyula Zeller, Vice-Rector of the University of Pécs and the signal of the European Union.

You shall not pass!