
Adoration is the suitable expression to describe the special attention which is given to the Mongooz and the Magnet. And what is the reason of this hype? 3 handsome guys from 3 different countries playing together in Pécs: Gábor Imre, Ian O’Sullivan and Magnus Maloy. Ian and Magnus are students at the University of Pécs. The style of the band is international too, they play blues, soul, funky, rock’n’roll… Their first songs can be loaded from their website for free. The band was quite close to win a contest called “Ki Mit Tube”, thus The Mongooz and the Magnet has become well-known nationwide.

The University of Pécs was the first higher education institution that established a Support Service in 2005. On the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the service, a conference was held at the PTE on 20. October with the title „For you, with you – the Sensitive University ".

As we already wrote in our previous article - when showing the letter of the Education Management about the changing system- , ETR is going to be replaced with Neptun electronic educational system from 17. November, 2015. We asked the colleagues of the Education Management about the practical aspects of the change.

One of the most purposeful young men who have ever attended to the Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University of the UP is 27-year-old Sebastian Paul. The German PhD-student of Herder-Institute in Marburg was here in Pécs for the third time to learn Hungarian. He is around level B2 at the moment. In his opinion someone who doesn't speak foreign languages at all misses the opportunity to get to know new perspectives beyond the own national frame.

From 17. November, 2015 the ETR is going to be replaced with Neptun electronic educational system. 

I’m 23 years old and I’m studying general medicine at the Medical School of the University of Pécs. The opening ceremony of the Medical School was a decisive experience for me: at that moment I realized that a completely new chapter of my life had just started!

This week the Faculty of Business and Economics had the honor to welcome a guest on campus. Adam Rapp, Head of Schey Sales Center in our partner institution Ohio University, Athens/Ohio arrived in Pécs with the aim to share his professional experiences and knowledge with faculty members and deliver guest lectures for students.

In the Fall Semester of Academic Year of 2015/2016 the International Studies Center (ISC) and the International Language Department and ECL Center start the Japanese Language and Culture Course, which is available for all the students of the University of Pécs. Beginner and pre-intermediate/intermediate courses are available, the lessons will be held in English language.

The latest university ranking has been published by the Times Higher Education based in London. The world’s best 800 university can be found in this list, where University of Pécs (UP) remained high as the second best Hungarian university in the countryside.

The Faculty of Business and Economics had the honour to welcome representatives of its Chinese partner institutions on campus. Representatives of JiangXi Normal University, JiangXi Chinese Medical School and Hangzhou Pangu International Education paid a visit at the Faculty on 25th September.


You shall not pass!