Changing system at the PTE: Neptun comes instead of ETR!

From 17. November, 2015 the ETR is going to be replaced with Neptun electronic educational system. 


Here follows the letter of the Education Management about the changing system:

Dear Student,


Please let us inform you about the changes that affect the electronic administration system of the University of Pécs. With this present letter we would like to inform you about some important changes in your studies, finances and the administration due to the shutdown of ETR and the launch of Neptun.

Until October 12, 2015. 12 a.m., students will be able to request a Student Card at the Registrar’s Office and in MODULO. From November 17, 2015, however, Student Cards can be requested in NEPTUN.


With the launch of Neptun the usual payment methods will change, as well. The introduction of joint account facilitates the organization and the schedule of student payments. It is also important to know that postal check payment will be terminated. In the future students can find information about the joint account on and the website of the Central Registrar’s Office (


Changing the electronic administration system also affects the payouts of scholarship. As usual, the university will transfer the scholarship until November 10; however, there will be no mid-month transfer either in October or in November. will provide further information about both the current events of the introduction of Neptun administration system and the changes that affect you.


We wish you success in your studies and appreciate your kind cooperation.


Yours sincerely,


Dr. Gyula Berke
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
President of Project Steering Committee
Attila Lengvárszky
Head of Education Management
Project Manager
Gyula Takács

University Student Union


Further information:                             


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