Japanese Language and Culture Course available for all students of the UP!

In the Fall Semester of Academic Year of 2015/2016 the International Studies Center (ISC) and the International Language Department and ECL Center start the Japanese Language and Culture Course, which is available for all the students of the University of Pécs. Beginner and pre-intermediate/intermediate courses are available, the lessons will be held in English language.

The start of the course: 02.10.2015

2x2 hours/week all together 40 hours

For students and co-workers of the UP: 400 HUF/hour (with certificate)

Outsiders: 600 HUF/ Hour

For students of the Medical School: free of charge (with certificate)

The discounted tuition fee of the course is only for those who has a valid student card or a school attendance certificate/workers certificate.

The teacher of the course is Saeka Trano who is a guest teacher from the Kansai Gaidai University of Osaka, Japan.

The course is recommended for those who are interested in the Japanese scholarship program of the ISC in the future.

Course starting.

Beginner group (Tues.-Thurs. 5PM): 13 Oct, 2015
Intermediate group (Mon.-Wed. 5PM) 12 Oct, 2015

Application: UP International Language Department (7633 Pécs, Szántó Kovács J. street 1/B, 1st floor) at Ms. Rita Wildanger (rita@inyt.pte.hu)
For more information please turn to Ms. Rita Wildanger or Ms Katalin Wittmann (ISC, MS, UP)


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