
The PTE Faculty of Health Sciences is a leader both in health sciences, and also in sport science developments in Hungary.

Drones flying around the classroom, robots built from household waste attacked, geometric shine pattern light up on the walls...

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about sport.

The popular Korean film festival will be organized for the eighth time this year between 10. and 14. Noverber. 

Fadahunsi Seun David is from Nigeria. He has been here for one year, he studies for his Master’s Degree in International Relations at the University of Pécs. In his opinion Europe is the right destination to go to get a perspective of what is going on in the world.

On 7th October, Russian-speaking students who study at the University of Pécs, gathered in the Russian Center of Pécs. Meetings like these are traditionally held each semester for all of the students  who wish to get acquainted with the Russian World Fund, The Russian Center and discuss their plans for the upcoming semester.

Based on last year’s success, Faculty of Business and Economics re-launched its ambassador program for international students. 

A tall, handsome man walked through the corridors of the Faculty of Business and Economics in the middle of July. All of the participants of the Blue Economy Summer Course of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the UP were curious about his lecture and there were even more people from the town, who came just to hear the inspiring speech of the famous professor. 

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about the secret.


You shall not pass!