Chinese delegation at the Faculty of Business and Economics

The Faculty of Business and Economics had the honour to welcome representatives of its Chinese partner institutions on campus. Representatives of JiangXi Normal University, JiangXi Chinese Medical School and Hangzhou Pangu International Education paid a visit at the Faculty on 25th September.


This semester the Faculty is hosting a special training program organized in close cooperation with the International Studies Center of the University of Pécs and the Chinese partner institutions. In the frame of this cooperation currently 18 students are studying on campus. In addition to the students two professors from the partner institutions are spending the semester with us in order to facilitate joint research activities.


On Friday Vice Dean professor Krisztián Szűcs and Judit Trombitás, head of International Office welcomed Ms Audrey Liu from Hangzhou Pangu International Education and two guest professors of the Chinese partner institutions.


The Chinese delegation will continue their schedule this week by meeting several representatives of the University of Pécs. The Faculty of Business and Economics is proud to have JiangXi Normal University, JiangXi Chinese Medical School among its partner institution and is committed to further develop the cooperation with the help and coordination of Hangzhou Pangu International Education.

You shall not pass!