The Mongooz, the Magnet, and Magnus and Co

Adoration is the suitable expression to describe the special attention which is given to the Mongooz and the Magnet. And what is the reason of this hype? 3 handsome guys from 3 different countries playing together in Pécs: Gábor Imre, Ian O’Sullivan and Magnus Maloy. Ian and Magnus are students at the University of Pécs. The style of the band is international too, they play blues, soul, funky, rock’n’roll… Their first songs can be loaded from their website for free. The band was quite close to win a contest called “Ki Mit Tube”, thus The Mongooz and the Magnet has become well-known nationwide.


Why did you choose this name for the band?

Ian: Why not?


You get more and more attention. How do you handle the success?
I think we’re not there yet. Hopefully we’ll have these kinds of problems in the future. Time management is much more difficult: I have to work, they have study, it’s hard to find optimal time for the concerts. If we were such a great stars we would not have time to go to the bathroom.
Ian: It is extremely difficult to have time for everything. We played just once or twice  a month last year. I tried to organize concerts in Pécs, and then in other cities, but all of us had to work hard and there was no time for meetings and negotiating. We got the opportunity to play before the Carbonfools by chance: we dropped in to replace another band. Nobody knew us, but it  turned into a really great party. All members of the Carbonfools and their manager listened to us, and they enjoyed our performance very much - the manager of the Carbonfools has worked for us as well from that very moment. Whenever we get a chance, we try to do our best.


Who would be your choice to play music with?
Stevie  Wonder.

Magnus: Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton.

Gábor: Chick Corea.


Ian and Magnus: your families live far away. Is it difficult to keep in touch with your relatives?

Magnus: It’s not too difficult for me. You can use the Facebook, and I talk with them week by week by phone. Naturally, I miss them.

Ian: I’ve separated from my family for already 10 years. My father lives in Nebraska, my mother and my sister live in Dublin, my uncle moved to Madrid. We use the chat, make telephone calls, but of course, I miss them.


What’s your favourite film?

Magnus: I like kittens and cat videos - that is how I relax.

Ian: My favourite film is the City of God, but I love biographical films which shows both the good and the bad sides of life.

Gábor: I prefer historical films, and I love the interesting films about nature. I don’t really like to go to the cinema. 


What kinds of plans do you have for the next year?

Ian: The bigger the better.

Magnus: Our first single is to come out in January, and we are going to shoot new videos too. We try to play often, organize international concerts and go on. As for 2015, we’ll play on the 5th of December at Pécsi Est, and almost all the songs of our brand new single will be played there, I promise.


Source: UnivPécs


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