New educational system - Interview with the colleagues of the Education Management

As we already wrote in our previous article - when showing the letter of the Education Management about the changing system, ETR is going to be replaced with Neptun electronic educational system from 17. November, 2015. We asked the colleagues of the Education Management about the practical aspects of the change.

Will EHA-codes be changed? If yes, how and when will the students and instructors be informed about this?

We found an opportunity which ensures that the current users will be able to use their EHA codes and passwords also in the future (eg. when using PTE webmail, Eduroam Wi-Fi etc.). However, the students enrolling in February and the instructors and fellow workers employed after 1. November will receive a NEPTUN code. We will share the detailed information about using the codes on the website


How compatible is NEPTUN with the programmes used in the ETR, eg. CooSpace?

NEPTUN and the related software solutions form a coherent system. This software package fully covers or exceeds the functionalities provided by the current softwares in ETR. This means there is no need or possibility to keep anything from the current educational softwares.


What about the courses started with using CooSpace in the beginning of the semester?

The courses started with using CooSpace can be continued in Meet Street, which is the system of NEPTUN similar to CooSpace in ETR. Course materials, tests, etc. in the CooSpace will be available in the new system as well.


What do happen to the course-related, personal and financial data of the students?

Safety and completeness of data migration is one of the most important questions regarding the introduction of the new educational system. We devote most of the energy to this task in order to the educational data can be fully correspond to the new system. Data migration is going to be completely happening, since it is an essential condition of the introduction of the new system.


Is it absolutely for sure that the data won’t be lost? Or is there a recommended method with which this can be avoided?

Of course, the purpose is the 100% data migration.  Tests and analyzes are ongoing: the colleagues of the delivery company, the facultulties and the Education Management have been working on them for months. This work is also helped with the experiences gained during the previous educational system changeovers. Besides, it is also a high level of safety that the status of the data in ETR on 30. October will be available for educational specialists at any time. This means that the whole range of the original data will be available in case of any problem. Based on the above, users have nothing to do with saving their personal, financial or educational data, because they will be able to dug out at any time.


Are there any new supplementary programs in Neptun compared to ETR?

The supplementary programs in Neptun are different from the ones in ETR because these modules are integral parts of the educational system. This means users won’t have to use different programs to submit petitions or to up-and download educational materials since these functionalities will be accomplished with the Neptun itself, or - to be more exact – with one of its modules, the Neptun Meet Street. The student hostel admission system and social support application-evaluation function will be similar modules as well. Student’s opinion about the instructors and electronic examinations  will be accomplished in the Unipoll module.


How much differences will be among the two user interfaces?

The administration educational is basically unchanged since the same issues should be arranged, and there won’t be a big change in the way of arrangement either. However, surfaces, colors, place of buttons and the order of clicks vary, of course. Our purpose with the informative materials  and e-learning teaching materials is helping university citizens to meet the differences of the interfaces and of the way of arrangement before the introduction of the new system. Thereby we hope that the changing won’t be more traumatic than learning how to use a new mobile phone.

Will the system be less loaded during course applications?

We renew the hardware background of the educational system as well. We aim for making the access conditions optimum during the course application periods. At the same time, it makes no sense to provide an extremely expensive capacity-building hardware solution only because of these extremely short periods, so we use a much more efficient tool: we divide the loading of the system on time. This means course applications begin at different times according to faculties and majors so the system is not used by 21 thousand students at the same time, but only maximum 1-2 thousand.


The EHA-codes of our alumni students are still active and their data regarding their previous studies were recorded in the system – will they be saved in Neptun, as well?

Since the current EHA-codes will be retained, the codes of our previous students will not be lost either. Information about the Neptun code can be founded both on the website and on the website of the educational system, so our alumni students can find the most important information if they would like to arrange something.


Who can access the data in Neptun?

The basis of data security is the authorization system also in the educational system. The access to entered data will not be changed in the educational system: everyone can access their own data and their tasks related data, just like in ETR.


Source: UnivPécs


Related articles: Changing system at the PTE: Neptun comes instead of ETR!


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