
The challenge to exploit the potential of the aging population has become a pressing social problem in recent years in Central-Eastern Europe. At the same time the offer of active ageing programmes has narrowed. The transfer of knowledge and culture for elderly people also means confirmation, the reassurance of their social importance and their value for the community.

The Night of Sports is an highlighted event of the UP Sports Office, which was first organized in the year when the Office was established in 2013. Since then it has been held each autumn.

We asked Mohamed Omar Youssef Shaaban Mahmoud, the 3000th international student of the University about Pécs, about studies and about his experiences. He has been here just for a few months, but he already feels at home and has great future plans in Hungary.

A special diploma was also conferred at the ceremonial Doctor honoris causa meeting of the Senate of the University of Pécs, the 3000th international student, Mohamed Omar Youssef Shaaban Mahmoud was greeted, who comes from Egypt and is in international relations at the Faculty of Humanities. As he said he loves the city of Pécs and considers it a really good decision to choose the UP.

Doctor Honoris Causa titles and Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa titles, ministerial certificate of merit, honorary professor, honorary docent and habilitated doctor degrees were conferred at the ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the University of Pécs held on 9th November. On this solemn occasion a special diploma was also conferred on the 3000th international student of the UP.

On the 9th of November, 2016 the University of Pécs held the festive event of giving away new doctorary certificates. On this festive occassion promotions were handed over by the leadership of the Universirty.

The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program was established by the hungarian government in 2013. More than 500 students have started their studies at the University of Pécs with this scholarship, which shows how unique this program is. The scholarship holders are mainly coming from the Middle-East, the Far-East and Africa.

More than 200 students of 8 countries from Central Europe took part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) conference from 27th to 30th October.

The XXXIV. Medicine TOP conference and  the V. Health Ministers - State Secretaries Summit were recently held  in Budapest. At this event were awarded health institutions with outstanding performance in 2016. The Clinical Centre has won the ‘Award for Excellent University’, while the First  Department of Internal Medicine has won the ‘Award for Excellent Cardiology Center’.

The International Board of specialist evaluated the accomplished tasks of the Szentágothai Research Centre. Professor Gábor Kovács L. summarized the results.


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