Erasmus Student Network conference at the UP

More than 200 students of 8 countries from Central Europe took part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) conference from 27th to 30th October.


The Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program is one of the most successful projects of the European Union’s history, the ESN as the biggest student organization of Europe supports the participants of the program.  The organization’s volunteers from universities of 8 countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary)  came to the annual regional general meeting to discuss the current challenges and future opportunities in the framework of plenary lectures and thematic workshops.

The conference took place at the Faculty of Business and Economics, but the participants also visited several  places of cultural interest  in the city  during the three days.


Közép-európai hallgatói konferenciának adott otthont a PTE

Photo: Péter Aknai


The official opening ceremony was held  on 28th October. Dr. István Tarrósy, Director of Foreign Affairs greeted the participants, briefly introduced  the city,  the university and the cultural developments of Pécs in the past years. The UP was one of the best venues for this event, partly because of its special atmosphere and because  it will celebrate the 650th anniversary of its foundation in 2017 and on this occasion will hold a series of jubilee events.


Közép-európai hallgatói konferenciának adott otthont a PTE

Photo: Péter Aknai


'The Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program is an important device  of the internationalization of the UP, as  within the framework of the Program foreign students, lecturers as well as  administrative staff from the most outstanding universities  have come to study at our University. We appreciate it that the ESN as the mentor organization of the foreign students coming to us could bring to Pécs such a prestigious event; this is a magnificent  introductrory  program to  the University of Pécs Jubilee 650 project.' - said Dr. István Tarrósy.


Photo: Péter Aknai


Safi Sabuni, president of the international board introduced the programme and the ESN organization. Within the framework of plenary sessions, committee sessions and workshops the participants had the opportunity to meet colleagues, to share information, best  practices and difficulties.. It was a splendid  forum to learn how one can accomplish  projects and communication more efficiently, and how to  improve further the cooperation  between the sections and the universities.

Further information about ESN:


You shall not pass!