Expanding Hungarian Senior Academy Program in Central-Eastern Europe

The challenge to exploit the potential of the aging population has become a pressing social problem in recent years in Central-Eastern Europe. At the same time the offer of active ageing programmes has narrowed. The transfer of knowledge and culture for elderly people also means confirmation, the reassurance of their social importance and their value for the community.

University of the Third Age in Paks

Photo: Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development
University of the Third Age in Paks


Reaching retirement age results in having a considerable amount of free time. The way free time is spent can determine an individual’s well-being, social position, connections and working conditions. In ageing societies the role, functions and characteristics of learning for older persons has several important aspects. Older people living in Hungary and Croatia are endowed with a high level of activity, but only a few have the opportunity to develop their knowledge. In most relevant policy fields, the development of learning possibilities for elderly people is a clear priority.

Globally older persons composed 8% of the world’s population in 1950. By 2000, older persons were 10%  of the world’s population. By 2050, older persons will make up more than one-fifth of the world’s population, while in Europe people over the age of 60 will make up more than one third of the continent’s population (36-37%). This will have a significant effect on the development of the economy and the labour market.


Photo: Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development

Photo: Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development
University of the Third Age in Paks


Project Description

The Cross-Border Senior Academy project stems from the commitment to a lifelong learning paradigm by cooperating institutions, their regions, countries and the same commitment of the European Union. The project fulfils multiple needs, such as the accessibility of learning for older persons, which is provided by an institutionalized learning program. Another priority is the need in the region for andragogy knowledge and methodology for old age learning. This project is also a continuation of the ”University of the Third Age” program started by the University of Pécs in 2013. Our preliminary research demonstrated that there is a significant need in both Croatia and Hungary to develop an interest-based senior academy project for older persons. They become citizens of the participating universities, which is a great motivation for higher learning in older age. The most popular topics of study by the program participants are arts, humanities, philosophy, religion, social issues, IT and engineering and cross-cultural learning in the border region.


Connection to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Global initiatives demonstrate that education has a central role in sustainability. When learning produces informed and active citizens who are able to solve problems with creativity, who understand the working mechanisms of nature and environment, society, law and economy, understand the connections between these elements and make responsible decisions in their individual and public actions, sustainable development can be achieved. It is clear that educational programs and curriculums, knowledge and understanding, skills, values and new attitudes have to teach all generations when all different age groups actively engage with the present challenges of the world.


Photo: Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development
University of the Third Age in Szekszárd


Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there are two which are directly related to the implementation of the project. Our project and its focus on older persons includes SDG 3, ensuring health lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, and SDG 4, ensuring inclusive and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning. It is obvious that the learning process can contribute to good health and well-being. Furthermore, older persons benefit by  participating again in educational processes and have a chance to get quality education and up to date knowledge from the academic world. The other SDGs could also be achieved among members of this generation participating in the programme as they learn more about sustainable development and how they can contribute to achieving these goals.


Our Role Model: the Oldest Hungarian University Student

80-years-old Ernő Harsányi after being a student at the „University of the Third Age”, enrolled to the Cultural Management masters program at the University of Pécs. He decided to attend lectures and seminars, take notes, prepare for exams. “As life experience accumulates, you collect more and more questions. The world is expanding, and new responses are needed. If the knife is not sharpened, it gets rusty, and so is human thinking.” – said Mr. Harsányi. After graduation he plans to publish his thesis on the cultural needs of elderly people.


Source: http://unsdn.org/2016/11/11/expanding-hungarian-senior-academy-program-in-central-eastern-europe/


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