
The "Pécsi Zenit" wine of the Research Institute Viticulture and Enology of the University of Pécs has won the title of "wine of the year 2016"!

There are not abundant sources concerning the short, only a few-decade-long operation of the university (studium generale) founded in Pécs on 1 September 1367. Its establishment is an integral part of the Central and Eastern European trend of university foundations. During the wave of foundations brought to life by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV (1346-1378) by establishing the University of Prague (1348), the studium generales in Cracow (1364), and Vienna (1365), and finally in Pécs were set up almost the same time.

Norbert Kotormán is the sculptor who will create the monument of William Bishop and King Louis the Great. Kotormán’s model has won, so his monument will be inaugurated on the 1st of September in 2016 at the jubilee ceremony on the promenade between the North side of Pécs Cathedral and the Medieval University.

When it comes to Swabian cuisine, Gábor Schneider is our man. He saves recipes from oblivion, has cooked many, many meals himself and shares these with anyone interested in his blog. Besides, he is an editor for Dunántúli Napló and a PTE alumnus. His dedication to gastronomy is proved by the fact that he not only offers recipes and cooks for himself: recently he gave a Swabian dinner party for the public at Balkán Bisztró.

Travelling exhibition will be opened with the title of "The history of  the universities in Pécs (1367-2017)" at the University Library Centre for Learning on the 6th of December in 2016. The event is in a close contact with the Jubilee year of the University of Pécs in 2017. 

We are pleased to announce that the University of Pécs was ranked as 122th in the prestigious Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2017. on 30 November. The inclusion of University of Pécs in the THE BRICS & Emerging Economies rankings is a significant achievement, meaning our institution is one of the top 300 institutions in the 50 countries included in the analysis. Moreover this placement means that the UP could also improve its position with 15 places.

The Corriere della Sera is an Italian daily newspaper most widely read  published with the highest number of circulation. Its travel section  has recently published  the list of the best European university cities and to our greatest pleasure Pécs also got a place in it, among  cities like Oxford, Manchester, Dublin, Bologna or Heidelberg.

According to the latest university ranking published by the HVG (Hungarian weekly magazine on economy) our university improved its position and this time proved to be the third strongest university in Hungary. Moreover, two faculties of the university demanded a place for themselves among the top 10 of the Hungarian faculties: the Faculty of Humanities and the Medical School were also placed in the leading group.

This year will be the 8th Advent Concert at the Medical School on the 7th of December in the Aula at 8 o’clock. 

More than 200 students of 8 countries from Central Europe took part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) conference from 27th to 30th October.


You shall not pass!