
It is end of august when I reach Pécs for the first time. I really love this feeling when I arrive in a new city and I know I am going to open a new chapter of my life. I look around me and see for the first time things which will become normal for me because I will take the same path every day. 

Norvegian students of the University of Pécs (ANSA and Students Help Students association) raise money for Transylvanian orphans. A great occasion to have a drink and donate!

On Tuesday 7 February, Ambassador Kocsis kicked-off a new partnership between the Hungarian University of Pécs and the Business Studies program of the HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN).

The joint research group of the University of Pécs and Semmelweis University identified a marker affecting the success of artificial insemination. We talked about the success to immunologist Júlia Szekeres, who in her study published in Nature Scientific Reports in January, also have drawn attention to the fact that parenthood is put off to later and later points in time in developed countries, therefore there is an increasing demand for artificial insemination. 

See the call for papers for our 2017 meeting in Pécs below. Please spread the word by forwarding this call to anyone you know who may be interested in attending.

Dr. Sheila Rucki is a political economist and an associate professor at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her work is mostly on Gramsci and notions of the relationships between culture and economy. After two conference participations at the University of Pécs she came to teach here as visiting professor to launch a faculty exchange with the Department of Political Science and International Studies. 

The Marketing Department of the University of Pécs has carried out its Graduate Follow-up Research Scheme for the seventh year. Based on the latest results, 97 out of a hundred University of Pécs graduates would recommend UP to colleagues and friends. Many of the respondents praised the city, its fascinating atmosphere as well as the high quality of training and the competitive degree. 

Notably, the training our institution offers represent traditional and classical values while simultaneously acts upon the international challenges of modern higher education. Our Bologna-type courses embrace nearly every field of training, meaning those applying to our university possess the opportunity to select from 300 different programs, ranging from higher-level vocational trainings through BA and MA courses, and up through PhD programs. 

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program was founded by the Hungarian Government in 2013. Scholarships can be applied by citizens of those countries that have a valid/effective bilateral educational work plan agreement signed by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources. 

Hereby we announce the Erasmus Student Network Pécs member recruitment.


You shall not pass!