97% of UP graduates would happily recommend the university to others

The Marketing Department of the University of Pécs has carried out its Graduate Follow-up Research Scheme for the seventh year. Based on the latest results, 97 out of a hundred University of Pécs graduates would recommend UP to colleagues and friends. Many of the respondents praised the city, its fascinating atmosphere as well as the high quality of training and the competitive degree. 

97% of University of Pécs graduates would happily recommend the university to others


The Marketing Department of the University, which celebrates the 650th anniversary of its establishment, has once more completed its Graduate Follow-up Research Scheme in which students who graduated one, three and five years ago have been asked about their progress in the labour-market, their experiences, memories of the University and its environment. In the course of the students’ motivation research the experts examined and rated current students’ satisfaction, their comments related to their studies, their future plans and drew conclusions. They processed a total of nearly three and a half thousand answers. 


Based on the results we can conclude that the first thing that our graduates think of in connection with the university has a positive content; many of them associate the university to the city of Pécs, while the first idea of others was ’Hungary’s first University,’ the slogan of the University of Pécs,” summarised the results Gabriella Kuráth, head of research. “97% percent of our graduates would recommend the university to friends and acquaintances, 88% would recommend their own faculty and 79% would recommend their own programme. Four out of five (80%) of our current students would choose the same programme they have been studying in again, in other words, based on the acquired experiences and impressions, the great majority of them would select the same programme even if they could turn the clock back,” said the Head of the Marketing Department.


In the course of the research the University graduates were asked about their first thought of the University. A number of respondents wrote “good references,” or that “the University of Pécs is the best choice” and in the event of processing the answers quite a few of them read “high quality training” or “competitive degree.” It is quite clear, that in their selection the students at least as pronounced the environment as the training itself and the value of the degree. This seems to be confirmed by the fact that a number of graduates referred to their close relationship with the city: “Pécs is the best place,” or: “enjoyable years at the university of a beautiful city,” as it could be read in a number of questionnaires.


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