Join the team of ESN Pécs!

Hereby we announce the Erasmus Student Network Pécs member recruitment.



But what is ESN Pécs? It is the local section of one of the biggest student organisation's in Europe. It's aim to promote mobility among university students, and help the incoming University students during their stay at UP.


What are you going to be part of if you join?

        • You can develop your soft skills (international communication, time management, problem solving)
        • You can practice English language on a daily base
        • You can organise various programs
        • You will help the university, and will be part of its internationalisation process
        • You will know hundreds of people from all over the world
        • You will be a member of a cool, creative and international team.
        • Several hours every week, and you will experience how good volunteering is and that nothing is impossible!


Application process:

Send an e-mail with your attached CV and the application form (you can download it by following the link below) to the address until 23:59, 29th January.

IMPORTANT: the criteria of applying - you have to attend our first meeting on 5th February, in the evening. If you cannot, please let us know in advance!
Should you have any questions, just drop a message! :)


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All the best,
ESN Pécs Team


You shall not pass!