
The University of Pécs Medical School, Medical Students Sports Association and the Mecsek PVSK Füszért water polo team proudly introduce the first water polo charity gala with the patronage of Kemény Denes and Attila Miseta and with the participation of Olympic Champion water polo players (Zoltán Kósz, Tamás Molnár, Attila Vári, Péter Molnár).

This article is based on the '1956 and the University' chapter of 'The Centuries of Higher Education in Pécs'.

We hereby confirm that the College of Health Sciences of the Ohio University (OU) and the University of Pécs Medical School (UPMS) intend to establish scientific collaborations in the fields of Global Health and Medicine with a high emphasis on Public Health Aspects related to Migration and Ethnical as well as Cultural Diversity.

‘Glória, what the heck are you doing here with two master’s degrees plus a winning pair of law and economics?’ people regularly ask. Glória Leitert just laughs. She has been running Csírá with her partner László for eight years, a site which is more and more popular in Pécs. We talked to this extraordinary lady at her home, after an incredibly delicious, bright green shake. 

The UP greets students of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship with Gala Party.

We would like to warmly invite you to the Remembrance Event of the 60th Jubilee Remembrance Day of Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The Remembrance Event is organized by the Medical School of the University of Pécs, language of the event is English.

The Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium is organized because it is thought that PhD & DLA students in engineering, architecture and information technology areas need a special forum in addition to their PhD & DLA programmes to present the results of their ongoing research. The past International PhD Symposia were organized between 2005-2015 and it will be important to continue this tradition.

CALL FOR PAPERS You are kindly invited to submit papers for presentation at the International Conference on University-Based Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Theory, Empirics and Practical Implementation (ICUBERD) to be held at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, Pécs, Hungary, between the 1st and 2nd of December 2016.

If you wonder how to pull through in a foreign country, in a different culture without any kind of background, Feri Vilisics’s story, who lives in Finland, is just for you. We valiantly overcame the distance between Helsinki and Pécs so that you can witness how a biology graduate from Pécs became one of the most popular sausage traders in Helsinki, the founder of  the brand Feri's Sausages, and president of the Slow Food Helsinki Group. Our conversation reveals that not all is rosy even in Finland, you have to work hard for success. After reading eating sausages is hotly recommended! 

The University of Pécs has been placed into category „very good” by StudyPortals, an organisation that compiled a ranking on the basis of student satisfaction surveys carried out in various European universities. On average, foreign students gave more than 8 points (8+) of the maximum 10 to the University of Pécs with which it managed to earn the recognition and award of StudyPortals.


You shall not pass!