PhD and DLA degrees were awarded at the University of Pécs

On the 9th of November, 2016 the University of Pécs held the festive event of giving away new doctorary certificates. On this festive occassion promotions were handed over by the leadership of the Universirty.

Doktori Oklevélátadó Ünnepség a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepén


After successfully defending their theses, PhD and DLA degrees were awarded to several candidates.


PhD title was conferred on:

On the field of law studies:

  • Alexandra Than,
  • Hunor Kádár, 
  • Georgina Naszladi, 
  • Miklós Tihanyi.


On the field of medical sciences:

  • Péter Ágoston Avar,
  • Péter Bakó,
  • Katalin Gombos,
  • Tamás Kiss,
  • Tamás Ollmann,
  • Veronika Sárosi,
  • Renáta Szalai,
  • Zsuzsanna Szalai,
  • Antal Tibold,
  • Erika Turcsi,
  • Andrea Horváth, 
  • András Légner, 
  • Tibor Mintál, 
  • Zoltán Németh, 
  • Higin Simon,
  • Katalin Török.


Doktori Oklevélátadó Ünnepség a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepén


On the field of pharmaceutical studies:

  • Sándor Farkas,
  • Mónika Kuzma,
  • Éva Sághy.


On the field of literature sciences::

  • Péter Görcsi.


On the field of pedagogy:

  • Anikó Gál.


On the field of linguistic studies::

  • Mónika Dóla
  • Zsófia Menyhei.


On the field of politics:

  • Dániel Molnár.


On the field of psychological sciences:

  • Ágota Krisztián.


On the field of ethnography:

  • Judit Balatonyi.



On the field of health sciences:

  • Gabriella Császárné Gombos,
  • Imre Szentpéteri, 
  • Antal Zemplényi,
  • Csaba Vandulek.


On the field of economic studies:

  • Valér Jobbágy,
  • Ákos Nagy.


On the field of biological studies:

  • Zsolt Kristóf Bali,
  • Éva Tékus,
  • Zsuzsanna Bräger.


On the field of physics:

  • Anikó Zsuzsa Kovács,
  • Judit Sári,
  • Márta Unferdorben.


On the field of earth sciences:

  • Mónika Hartl,
  • Zoltán Katona.


On the field of chemical sciences:

  • László Kiss,
  • Annamária Sepsey.


Doktori Oklevélátadó Ünnepség a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepén


On the field of architect:

  • Jan Michael Werner.


DLA title was conferred on:

  • Petra Farkas,
  • Renáta Fogas,
  • Arsic Petar,
  • Bijelovic Aleksa,
  • Miklós Ladányi-Tóth.


Pro Cura Ingenii Award was handed over to

  • Dr. András Bencsik.


Certificate of merit and a ceramic plaque of UP were handed over to the participants in the Rió Olympic Games in 2016.

  • Miklós Cirjenics, judoist, student of the Faculty of Sciences,
  • László Csoknyai, judoist, former student of the Faculty of Sciences,
  • Gábor Faldum Ifj., triathlete, student of the Faculty of Sciences.


„Harsányi István Award” was handed over to

  • Karina Horgas.




Photos: Szabolcs Csortos, UNIVPécs


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