
Reflecting on the needs of the market and higher educational trends, the Faculty of Business and Economics is expanding the range its English language programs on master’s level with the MSc Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship program, validated by Middlesex University of London, UK.

On the occasion of our national holiday, 20th August, high state awards were conferred on several tutors of our university during the ceremony held.

Qais Yousufi arrived from Afghanistan on a grant in 2012, and obtained a degree at the department of International Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs. Currently he lives in Budapest and works for an international organization as an intercultural liaison and adviser. He is recalling the past few years at our request and tells us what living in Hungary is like.   

Celebrate with us, we are waiting for you on our jubilee event!

During the month of August the University of Pécs offers many jubilee programs.

The farewell  ceremony of the summer course attended by 35 students of the Hangzhou Normal University in China took  place on the 4th of August 2017.

Ági Kerner is a person you will likely bump into in town, either in healthcare locations, university areas or the centre of the town at night on Fridays. She is there everywhere in community and academic life, and she waves from a distance in the street, with a wide smile on her face. At heart, she remains a student forever. Our physiotherapist citizen, who is doing her PhD at the moment, loves the romantic corners of Pécs, always full of friends. And she never stops!   

According to the 36. § (4) paragraph of the Regulation for Allowance (PTE Code of Conduct 6. enclosure, subsequently: RfA), of the University of Pécs, on the ground of equity all students are entitled to request the alteration of the first-degree judgement from the rector regarding the dormitory placement. 

On 18 September 1988, in the presence of many political leaders and representatives of society, 388 rectors signed the Magna Charta Universitatum. That document remains as relevant to the mission of universities everywhere as it was when it was first signed. It has become the major reference for the fundamental values and principles of the university and over 750 university leaders from all over the world have now signed it. 

The Pécs Debate Academy is a unique regional initiative started in 2013. In 2016, PDA functioned also as CEEPUS Summer School on Migration, which provided an opportunity for students from all corners of the world to get engaged with a series of debates on topics closely connected with our transnational and "glocal" world. 


You shall not pass!