An ‘average’ physiotherapist

Ági Kerner is a person you will likely bump into in town, either in healthcare locations, university areas or the centre of the town at night on Fridays. She is there everywhere in community and academic life, and she waves from a distance in the street, with a wide smile on her face. At heart, she remains a student forever. Our physiotherapist citizen, who is doing her PhD at the moment, loves the romantic corners of Pécs, always full of friends. And she never stops!   

An ‘average’ physiotherapist  - Ágnes Kerner


Who is Ági Kerner? Why the UP, and how long has been your way here? 

I had no intention of leaving Pécs after finishing secondary school: I graduated from the Faculty of Health sciences as a physiotherapist, and it has been my vocation ever since. During my Bsc and MSC studies I took part in the work of the Students' Council; living in the dorm, I tried to be actively involved in community life, I felt it was my duty. Besides, I enjoyed my work there a lot, and I'll never forget all those years I spent there! I continued my Msc studied as a correspondence student, and meanwhile I started working at the Confucius Institute at the Faculty of Health Sciences. We are trying to draw the organisation of Hungarian and Chinese education as well as the two cultures nearer. At the same time, I also have joined the world of research: I'm doing my PhD. It's been a real attack against myself! (laughing) I wrote my thesis in physiotherapy, and then I completed the healthcare management Msc. When I finished, I told everybody I would never ever study again, and now here I'm, again... (laughing)    


What is your PhD research topic? 

My topic is the following: how could Oriental and Occidental medicine be combined? Primarily, I am comparing the healthcare systems of Hungary and China. Few people deal with this issue, so it's more difficult to find data and materials than usual. There are some works of Chinese researchers published in English as well, but most of the websites are in Chinese, so I can't even find where I can change languages. (laughing)  


Why did you choose physiotherapy? 

I definitely want to work in a caring profession, which doesn't necessarily mean a clinic. In the last year of Bsc I realised that I wouldn't like to work in a hospital, so I spent the first and most formative year of my vocation at a private surgery in Kaposvár. I gained a lot of experience, I learned a lot, and laid the foundations for my professional knowledge there. I know I've chosen a difficult profession, a very hard one; you must work and learn a lot, all throughout your life. During the university years I felt that I wanted to work with people. It's not easy at all, but I enjoy it a lot.  


It is also important to mention that besides all your work – which is a lot – you also deal with music.  

Djing is a hobby, but nevertheless a part of my life, I couldn't imagine my days without it. I learned music form the age of seven, I still play the clarinet. Of course, some say that it hardly fits electronic music, but I love both very much. 

In my “me time” I do sports because I find it a very good means to express myself. Now I'm doing breakness, which amalgamates the moves and means of break dancing and fitness. Anyone who likes this kind of music and likes dancing to it can do the training as well. Of course, you get soaking wet after 13 minutes, but it's a terrific way of improving your muscles, as well as a very good cardio exercise. 


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