The summer university for Chinese students closed with great success

The farewell  ceremony of the summer course attended by 35 students of the Hangzhou Normal University in China took  place on the 4th of August 2017.

The summer university for Chinese students closed with great success / photo: Szabolcs Csortos, UnivPécs


On the four-week summer course organized by the Centre for International Relations, the Chinese students had the chance to study Anglistics and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities.

At the closing ceremony the guests were greeted by Dr. István Tarrósy, Director of the Centre for International Relations, and certificates were handed over by Prof. Dr. Tamás Bereczkei, Dean.

Then the Chinese students introduced their summer course experiences. It came to light that they had a great time at the University of Pécs and at Pécs and  it was also a great experience to encounter Hungarian culture. They emphasised the affection and care of their instructors and mentors during their stay. Their presentation was closed by a spectacular Kung Fu performance.

The Centre for International Relations is planning to organize the summer course for students of the Hangzhou Normal University as part of the Summer Trimester next year, too.


More information:

Pécs Summer School awaits you! »

Special summer school for Chinese students at the University of Pécs »


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