Pécs Debate Academy 2017 - "University Education and Student Life in the 21st Century"

The event is part of the PTE 650 Jubilee celebration of the University of Pécs.

Higher education and university student life are the topics in the focus of the debates and lectures. After lectures given by guest experts, PDA 2017 students are going to have a debate competition and can attend intercultural events at various sites of the town of the University of Pécs, celebrating the 650th anniversary of its establishment.


The organizers reserve the right of making changes in the programmes!


Esemény időpontja: 
2017. július 28. 08:00 - 2017. augusztus 06. 16:00
Esemény helyszíne és címe: 
PTE MIK, Est Café, Neozin, centre of Pécs, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Trafik, Apolló Cinema
Kapcsolattartó neve: 
Dr. Gyöngyi Pozsgai
You shall not pass!