University life

12 paediatricians undertook a great venture. They decided to encircle Lake Balaton to help  children enduring illness by  participating in the XI. NN Ultrabalaton race through  19-21 May. 

In exam period (15 May-29 June) the Centre for Learning (Universitas Street 2/a, Pécs) is open until midnight.

The representatives of 5 faculties, the International Relations Co-ordinator of the Centre for International Relations and the Student  Secretary of the Chancellery visited to Ho Si Minh in Vietnam from 19 to 21 of April. 


Do you want to get hands-on experience in social innovation and transformation? Or experience  real-life business projects? Participate in the life changing four weeks of the Simonyi Summer Program, register until June 5. The selected University of Pécs students will be able to apply for up to 100% support for their “costs of training”. 

On the 26 of April the Dancing University had special guests: Dutch university students from Rotterdam visited Pécs and they hobbed in for a quick Hungarian folk dance teaching.

Michael Ignatieff, President and Rector of CEU expressed his gratitude to Mr. József Bódis for the support CEU received from the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. The full version of the message can be read below!

As part of our internationalization strategy, the Centre for International Relations has been developing a new ’Summer Trimester’ that includes all the summer courses organized by our Faculties or by the Centre for International Relations. The University of Pécs is working on offering a growing number of Summer Schools to our international, Hungarian and incoming students.


Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pecs hosted an International Partner Meeting within the framework of “Partenariats Strategiques European Manager In Social Economy EMISE+ (Project N˚:2015-1-FR01-KA202-015238)” between March 8-10, 2017.


There is an award-winning unique choir at the Medical School. Its members are Norwegian students.


On the occasion of celebrating the 650th anniversary of the University of Pécs, the Central Sport Office is organizing an Anniversary Run on 26 April 2017. The aim is to have 1367 runners who will run exactly 1367 meters.


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