International Partner Meeting - EMISE+ 2015

Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pecs hosted an International Partner Meeting within the framework of “Partenariats Strategiques European Manager In Social Economy EMISE+ (Project N˚:2015-1-FR01-KA202-015238)” between March 8-10, 2017.

International Partner Meeting - EMISE+ 2015


The EMISE+ program is aimed to contribute to the European strategy for social economy by spreading the theory of social economy and best practice with the help of international cooperation and training programs organized within the EMISE+ program.

The Meeting was organized midway of a 36-month project thus aiming to review the progress of the project, the fulfillment of commitments and to introduce ready-made materials. It also served a good opportunity to introduce to international experts theEuropean Manager In Social Economy postgraduate training program started in the fall semester of 2016-2017 at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development, UP.


International Partner Meeting - EMISE+ 2015


Participants of the Meeting were: AROBASE – lead project organization (France), Gruppo Cooperativo CGM – partner organization (Italy), Xarxa d'Economia Solidària – partner organization (Spain), UP KPVK – partner organization (Hungary), Cité de l'autre économie – partner organization (France), REVES AISBL – partner organization (Belgium).

The first day of the Partner Meeting started with a joint seminar of the project participants. On behalf of the lead project organization, AROBASE, Project Manager Jeanine Verna summarized the project achievements reached so far, the results of a mid-term review and the compliments of the funding European Commission. After clarifying the administrative tasks, the participants reviewed the scheduled project activities. The content and methodology of the e-learning material to be developed in the project triggered professional debate: to what extent it should be unified or different by countries, whether and how the training materials developed to different trainings should be fitted, what should be performed at the website, etc.. New commitments were also offered by the participants: mapping and introducing social competencies, further measuring social impact of social economy. The training programs of the project end this semester – the interoperability and the equivalence is critical; that is why a Quality Charter has been developed. The project day ended with the preparation of the next partner meeting.


International Partner Meeting - EMISE+ 2015


The Project Meeting was supplemented with the international program of the European Manager In Social Economy postgraduate training program started in 2016 by UP. The lecturers of the Open Training Day were the representatives of the partner organizations. All lecturers were given a chance to introduce his/her own country’s and the EU’s social economy, from various and thus different aspects. Mr. Agostino BURRUNI introduced the history and social background of social economy and its realization in France; Mr. Pierluca GHIBELLI gave a lecture on social cooperation and management technics in Italy; innovation and innovation management in the Catalan social economy were introduced by Mr. Jordi ESTIVIKK and Ivaon MIRÓ. Ms. Jeanine VERNA presented the practice of the European social economy in the light of a project. Not only the student of the University, but representatives of social cooperation, NGOs, councils, rural development organizations and researchers were also interested in and participated in the open training day.  All lectures were followed by Q&A sessions and exchange of ideas which provided a good opportunity to compare the different practice in the different countries and share best practice.


International Partner Meeting - EMISE+ 2015


The Research Seminar at the following day provided an excellent opportunity to evaluate the different methods, to give feedback and to present the diversity of the Hungarian social economy. Students of the European Manager In Social Economy presented their own projects: the ’Taste’ Restaurant of the Blue Bird Foundation, the pasta manufacturer social cooperation from Komlo, the juice producer ’Treasures of the Valley’ social cooperation and the community economic development program of Alsomocsolad.



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