opening ceremony

On 1 September 2018 the Ceremonial Meeting on the Day of Pécs and the Ceremonial Senate Meeting of the University of Pécs Opening the Academic Year was jointly celebrated. On this occasion, awards of the city and the university have been conferred.

The University of Pécs celebrates its 650th anniversary in 2017, in the foregoing year of which, on 1st September, 2016,  a ceremonial opening ceremony of the 2016/17 academic year was organized.

The new academic year 2015/16 has been officially opened on 1 September 2015. Awards and prices have been conferred upon lecturers and students by Rector József Bódis.

The new academic year 2014/15 has been officially opened on 1 September 2014. Awards and prices have been conferred upon lecturers and students by Rector József Bódis.

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