International Evening

International Evening is an event created to celebrate the unique diversity at our university. Students from many different nations will present performances and food from their home country.

Date of event: 
2019. March 09. 19:00

The organizer of this annual event is the English-German Student Council. Our international students present their own country, culture and cuisine for the participants of the event. The International Evening is one of the most popular student events, similarly to PEN (University Days of Pécs).

International Evening 2016 is an annual charity event organized by the English-German Student Council (EGSC) and carried out by more than 2500 students of the Medical School of University of Pécs. We asked the members of the teams of different nationalities about their experience.

One of the most valuable aspects of a study abroad experience is the opportunity for cross-cultural emersion. As an international student, you are taken out of your comfort zone and forced to experience new cultures, meet new and interesting people, and forge connections that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Saturday’s International Evening was a night filled with those opportunities. 

Dear fellow students, friends and visitors from all over the world, we are happy to invite you to the biggest event of the year, INTERNATIONAL EVENING 2016!

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