The UP remains in the leading group
The University of Pécs has been chosen by more people in 2015 than in previous years: the number of university applicants for the UP has grown by more than 800 since 2013. This means the institution preserved its fourth place in the popularity list of those who applied for a higher education institution. This result is important especially from that point of view that the number of applicants for higher education institutions has decreased all over the country.
For the trainings starting from September, 2015, 12.371 people applied to Pécs, and the UP was the first choice for 5.779 people. The Master Degree programs the University of Pécs, was chosen by 2.138 people; in addition, both the number of those who have applied for Bachelor Degree or Undivided Training (8.019 people) and the trainings with a state scholarship continued to grow.
Additional good news is that besides the number of those who applied for the trainings in the field of economic science, information science, medical science, health science and natural science also the number of the applicants for pedagogy training continued to grow. The technical trainings supported by government are popular, especially the novelty of the requirement process in 2015, the dual training. The growth of the number of the applicants for the faculties in the dual training system of the UP Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology was even bigger (8,5%) than the national average (7%).