
On the occasion of our national holiday, 15th March high state awards were conferred on several tutors of our university.

Dorra Ben Jaballah has been a fencer for 13 years. She is an elite athlete now, preparing for the Olympic Games in Rio. At the same time, she is the student of our University! We asked her about her experiences.

On the occasion of celebrating the 650th anniversary of the University of Pécs, the Central Sport Office is organizing an Anniversary Run on 27 April 2016. The aim is to have 1367 runners who will run exactly 1367 meters.

International Evening 2016 is an annual charity event organized by the English-German Student Council (EGSC) and carried out by more than 2500 students of the Medical School of University of Pécs. We asked the members of the teams of different nationalities about their experience.

One of the most valuable aspects of a study abroad experience is the opportunity for cross-cultural emersion. As an international student, you are taken out of your comfort zone and forced to experience new cultures, meet new and interesting people, and forge connections that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Saturday’s International Evening was a night filled with those opportunities. 

University of Pécs Medical School presents the 2016/2017 academic year Erasmus+ Student Mobility Scholarship.

CALL FOR APPLICATION 5th Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference 2016

Szigetvár and its surroundings, which was the centre of heroic resistance to the Turks in 1566, has never been properly excavated. Dr. Norbert Pap from the University of Pécs, the leader of the latest research talks about their findings.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. On this episode of the video series made by the UP Universitas Television, Judit Burkus, researcher at the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts is going to introduce an exciting area of his discipline.


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