State Honorees in our national holiday

On the occasion of our national holiday, 15th March high state awards were conferred on several tutors of our university.

János Áder, President of the Republic of Hungary handed over Kossuth-award in the Parliament on 15 March, 2016. Kossuth Prize was conferred on:

AURÉL TILLAI (Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, University of Pécs


Széchenyi Prize was conferred on: 

JÓZSEF VÖRÖS (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs)


Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities handed over the civil divisions of the Officer's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, the Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, the Gold Cross of Merit of Hungary, the Silver Cross of Merit of Hungary and the Bronze Cross of Merit of Hungary state awards on behalf of János Áder, President of the Republic of Hungary on the occasion of the national holiday in the Vigadó Pest, on 11 March, 2016.


Civil division of the Officer's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award was conferred on:

TIBOR  ERTL (Medical School, University of Pécs)

LAJOS KOLLÁR (Medical School, University of Pécs)

DÉNES MOLNÁR (Medical School, University of Pécs)


In recognition of their high quality work, civil division of the Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit award was conferred on:


TÜNDE CZEBE (Ballet of Pécs)

GYÖRGY FUSZ, (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs)

ZSOLT VAJDA (Medical School, University of Pécs)


Civil division of the Gold Cross of Merit of Hungary was conferred on:


ILDIKÓ BERECZKY (Harkány-Márfai Reformed Parish)

LAJOS TAMÁS (Faculty of Law, University of Pécs)


Jedlik Ányos Prizes were handed over traditionally in connection with our national holiday, 15th March in the assembly hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Prize was conferred on: 

HEBLING JÁNOS physicist, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, director of Institute of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of the UP.



Full nominal roll of those on whom Kossuth Prize was conferred 2016 »

Full nominal roll of those on whom Széchenyi Prize was conferred 2016 »


The University of Pécs congratulates the honourees and we wish them the best of luck in their job!


You shall not pass!