5th Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference 2016


5th Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference 2016

The Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs (DSA UP) is proud to organize its international multidisciplinary scientific event for the fifth time from 27th –29th of May 2016.


The event is an international symposium namely the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IDC2016). The main aim of the Conference is to create a platform and provide a good opportunity for Hungarian and international doctoral students to exchange ideas, hold scientific presentations, and also to strengthen personal and professional networking among doctoral and college students.


Furthermore, prominent and influential scientists are invited to present their research findings as plenary speakers in English. We are pleased to invite national and international PhD students from all scientific fields to the “IDK2016” where you will have the opportunity to present your research in oral or poster sessions. At the same time workshops and round-table discussions will enrich the program.


This year beside the expected presentations, every scientific session will be followed by an interdisciplinary discussion with current problems and topics worth to negotiate on. The aim of the interdisciplinary sections is to generate discussion and debate after the competent presenters hold their speeches. You have the opportunity the meet colleagues from another scientific fields and learn new methods, gain new ideas, which might be useful for your further research.


Language of the conference: Hungarian and English Venue of the conference: University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Business and Economics (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Közgazdaságtudmányi Kar), H-7622 Pécs, 48-as tér 1.


Contacts: For more information please visit the upcoming website (idkpecs.phdpecs.hu) or the Facebook page of the conference. Do not hesitate to email one of our colleagues at info@phdpecs.hu . If you find the information useful to one of your national or international PhD colleague, please forward the letter.


We are looking forward your application!


Dr. Cseporán Zsolt 
Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs

You shall not pass!