Programmes of the UP Sports Office for the Autumn of 2017

The University of Pécs is celebrating the 650th anniversary of the first Hungarian university this year. Honouring this jubilee, the university is giving place for various cultural, scientific or sport events in 2017. 



20th September: International Day of University Sport

20th September has been designated as the International Day of University Sports by the UNESCO. The University of Pécs decided to join this programme: the Sports Office of the University is planning sport events on several locations. They expect that each faculty will represent itself with a team, which means that hundreds of university citizens will be mobilized. The students participating in the event will be exempted from going to classes on 20th September.


20th September: International Day of University Sport


23rd September: 7th UP Dragon Boat Regatta

On the occasion of International Day of University Sport the UP Sport Office is planning to organize the Dragon Boat Regatta for the seventh time this autumn. The Dragon Boat Regatta will be organized for the seventh time this autumn. The purpose of the UP Sports Office is to go beyond the record number of applications of the Spring event of 2016, when 16 teams and more than 300 students applied. Rain day: 23rd September (Saturday)


30th September: UP “Rókaűzők” (Fox chasers)

In 2015 the University of Pécs decided to support a sports event that has been organized by the city of Kaposvár and Pécs for 20 years. This is the biggest long distance relay run in the autumn and from 2015 it is also part of the Hungarian University and College and Hungarian Relay Championship!


end of September- beginning of October

Naturally, the faculty championships organised by the Sports Office during the whole academic year will also be held and the Office also plans to organize the Futsal League, highly popular among male students, in both semesters.


23rd September: 7th UP Dragon Boat Regatta




1st October: UP 650 EHÖK Misina Peak Attack

The running race of Pécs City Council will be organized the fourth time this autumn. Here the best runners of UP can win 50 000 HUF in the university category.


18th October: 2nd UP Invisible Memorial Tour in Mecsek

Last year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution. Mecsek Invisibles was the name of a small group of students, who continued to resist the Soviet forces after the revolution was crushed hiding in the Mecsek Mountains for months. The University of Pécs and the Sports Office paid tribute to their memory with an eight-kilometre tour in the Mecsek Mountains. The tour will consist of several stations where students can compete with each other. The Sport Office would like to continue this commemoration.




8th November: 6th UP Floorball Cup

The popular Floorball Cup will be organized for the sixth time this year. The purpose of this event is to guarantee that the mixed teams may take part in a fair contest having a good atmosphere.


22nd and 23rd November: 5th UP Night of Sports

The Night of Sports is an highlighted event of the UP Sports Office, which was first organized in the year when the Office was established in 2013. Since then it has been held each autumn. This sport event, mobilizing 12 teams in 12 sports during 12 hours, is extremely popular among students.



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