Jubilee programmes in May

During the year the University of Pécs offers many programs for the international community. The International Spring continues in May with the 18th Ibero-American week. Our May conferences offer insight to the scientific diversity of the university with themes such as the history of health sciences and innovation. Visitors also have the opportunity to experience the 650 years history of the higher education in Pécs by visiting the history exhibition of the university in the Klimo Library which opens at the end of the month!

XVIII. Ibero-Amerika Hét


2-5th May
International Spring
Ibero – American Week
Various venues in the city

This event marks the 18th annual meeting of the Ibero – American science and culture. This event aims to educate participants on Spanish- and Portuguese speaking European and Latin-American countries. In addition, the event seeks to strengthen the educational and cultural relationships between Hungary, Central Europe, and the Ibero-American world.

Participation is free!
Program of the International Spring
Organizer: University of Pécs - Ibero-American Centre


Nemzetközi Egészségtudomány-történeti Konferencia


18-19th May
International Conference on the History of Health Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences (Pécs, Vörösmarty Str. 4.)

The conference presents the work of well-known personalities of Pécs, events and institutes connected to the University of Pécs and the achievements of Hungarian health sciences. An important cornerstone of the event is to illustrate how historical events and the work of individuals are embedded in the international scene, detailing the diversity of past connections and relations. 


Innovációs Napok 2017


22-23th May
Innovation Days 2017
Szentágothai Research Centre (Pécs, Ifjúság Str. 20.)

For the eleventh time, the University of Pécs invites researchers and entrepreneurs from all regions in Europe to find new research and innovation (R&I) partners. We offer an innovation exhibition with a focus of developing new daignostical and medical instruments, buliding cooperatation between clinics and providers in the field of dental research,  and founding new research project in the field of genomics. All the programmes are free, but you should registrate yourself.


Mozaikok a pécsi felsőoktatás múltjából és jelenéből – Egyetemtörténeti kiállítás


31st May
Mosaics from the Past and Present of Higher Education in Pécs - a history exhibition of the university
University Library of Pécs and Center for Learning, Klimo Library (Pécs, 1-3 Szepesy str.)

The exhibition in the building of the Klimo Library displays the 650 years old history of higher education in Pécs with documents and objects from the University of Pécs history collection and public collections of the city. The exhibition presents the everyday life of university students and teachers, showcasing some extraordinary, important and occasionally astounding events.


The program may be subject of change!

More information: jubileum.pte.hu


You shall not pass!