Honorary Doctors of the University of Pécs were inaugurated

Doctor Honoris Causa titles, Commemorative Plaquette for the Hungarian Higher Education, professor emeritus, private professor, honorary professor, honorary docent and habilitated doctor degrees were conferred at the ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the University of Pécs held in the Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula on 12th March. 


Dr. József Bódis, rector of the University of Pécs greeted the guests of honor, the doctors to be inaugurated, the representatives of the city and the university, and then he shared his thoughts on the March 15th national holiday.


In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the doctoral statutes of the University of Pécs the Senate of the University confers the degree of honorary doctor upon those people from Hungary and abroad who:

  • have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields for several decades,
  • have gained international recognition,
  • have maintained close links with the University of Pécs,
  • have rendered the university and the Hungarian sciences outstanding services,
  • and the recognition of whose activities, by conferring upon them the honorary doctor title, boosts the prestige of the University of Pécs.


Doctor Honoris Causa title was conferred on:

  • John K. Grande, art historian,
  • László Tabár, professor of the Uppsala University,
  • Wang Tie, dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.



Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities handed over the Commemorative Plaquette for the Hungarian Higher Education to: 

  • Béla Kocsis, university docent of the Medical School,
  • Gábor Rappai, professor of the Faculty of Business and Economics.


The Senate of the University of Pécs conferred the Professor Emeritus title and golden badge with the UP's coat of arms upon the following professors:

  • László Lénárd, professor of the Medical School and rector emeritus of the UP,
  • József Pytel, professor of the Clinical Centre.


The Senate of the University conferred university private professor title and and the silver badge with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • Kinga Karlinger, senior member of the Semmelweis University.


The Senate of the University conferred honorary university professor titles and and the silver badge with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • Ella Regina Pais, retired college professor of the University of Pécs,
  • Anna Magdolna Sipos, senior member of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development,
  • Zsófia Szép, senior member of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development.


The Senate of the University conferred honorary university docent titles and and the silver badges with the UP's coat of arms upon:

  • György Bőhm, Customer Service Manager of the Tesco Global Ltd.,
  • László Zoltán Börzsei, Chief Physician and Head of the Traumatological Surgical Department in the Kaposi Mór Teaching Hospital,
  • Tamás Karosi, Chief Physician and Head of the Throat Specialist- and Neck Surgical Department in the  Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Hospital.


The Habilitation Committee conferred habilitation doctorary certificate 

In the field of law:

  • Gergely Bárándy, parliamentarian,
  • László Kőhalmi, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Law at the UP,
  • Zoltán András Nagy,  university docent of the Faculty of Law;


In the field of health sciences:

  • József Bognár, university docent of the University of Physical Education,
  • Gábor Géczi, university docent of the University of Physical Education,
  • Andor Sebestyén, director of the Regional Office for South-Transdanubian National Health Insurance Fund,
  • András Oláh, university docent of the UP Faculty of Health Sciences;


In the field of pharmacology:

  • Imre Huber, senior member of the UP Medical School;


In the field of science of literature:

  • Katalin Cserjés, senior lecturer of the University of Szeged,
  • Géza Horváth, university docent of the University of Pannonia,
  • Gábor Szabó, university docent of the University of Szeged;


In the field of economic science:

  • Márta Somogyvári, university docent of the UP Faculty of Business and Economics,
  • András Takács, senior lecturer of theFaculty of Business and Economics;


In the field of pedagogy:

  • Katalin Varga, university docent of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development;


In the field of linguistics:

  • Zsuzsanna Simonffy, university docent of the Faculty of Humanities;


In the field of medical science:

  • Funke Simone, senior lecturer of the Medical School,
  • Marianna Pap, university docent of the Medical School,
  • Gabriella Pár, senior lecturer of the UP Medical School,
  • Ágnes Sonnevend, university docent of the University of United Arab Emirates,
  • Cecília Varjú, senior lecturer of the Medical School;


In the field of psychological science:

  • Ágnes Bálint, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Humanities;


In the field of historical science:

  • Árpád Miklós Nagy, university docent of the Faculty of Humanities;


In the field of music:

  • Ágnes Herpay, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts.



The UP Student Council held a general meeting for re-election of officials on 18th February after president János Rinfel resigned his commissions. In accordance with the decision of the general meeting, Gyula Takács became the new president.

In the ceremony János Rinfel received an eosin Commemorative Plaquette with the UP's coat of arms in appreciation of his outstanding community activities while being in leading office.

After his resignation speech he handed over his gown symbolizing the presidency for the new president of the Student Council, Gyula Takács who made his introducing inaugural address. 




We would like to congratulate our new honorary doctors, the honoured and the new president of the student council once again and we wish them to continue raising the reputation of the University of Pécs with their work.


You shall not pass!