Professional visit of the UP’s delegation at the University of Novi Sad
Organised by the International Relations Office, a university delegation went to visit the University of Novi Sad on the 29th and 30th of January, 2015. The purpose of the highly successful visit – which was realized by a TÁMOP tender resource – was to deepen the cooperation with the higher education institution providing Hungarian education beyond the border.
The visit provided an excellent opportunity for several faculties of the UP to establish personal trade connections both with the faculties of the University in Novi Sad, and in Subotica. The members of the delegation were the representatives of the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, the Illyés Gyula Faculty, theFaculty of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, theFaculty of Sciences and the International Relations Office.
The instructor exchange program - operating successfully between the two universities for many years - and the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program – which starts from autumn and about which the delegation also consulted – provide an excellent basis for the implementation of the new cooperation proposals discussed in the consultations.