
The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about the water.

The Dancing University was founded at the University of Pécs in 2000 as an absolutely unique program in Hungarian higher education. It is exercise and entertainment at the same time and the courses can be taken as sports classes or for credit, too. 

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. On this episode of the video series made by the UP Universitas Television, dr. Edit Kajtár, researcher at the Faculty of Law is going to introduce an exciting area of her discipline.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about surprise.

Competition of ideas at the UP - win 2500 $!Application: 15.02.2015

The studio guest of the Universitas Television was Zoltán Jenei, who was appointed as the chancellor of the University of Pécs. During the studio conversation he talked about the motivation of his application, tasks and professional challenges he is facing, and about his favourite hobby as well.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. On this episode of the video series made by the UP Universitas Television, Dr. Dóra Reglődi, researcher at the Medical School is going to introduce an exciting area of her discipline.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about the body.

Organised by the International Relations Office, a university delegation went to visit the University of Novi Sad on the 29th and 30th of January, 2015. The purpose of the highly successful visit – which was realized by a TÁMOP tender resource – was to deepen the cooperation with the higher education institution providing Hungarian education beyond the border.

Several orientation days were held in the University of Pécs recently, since both the foreign exchange students (filling 1 or 2 semesters here) and the students who spend their whole teaching in Hungary arrived to the city.


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