Summer school for Japanese students at the University of Pécs

As part of the Summer Trimester, which has recently been introduced  by the Centre for International Relations, a special summer school is organized between 30 August and 6 September 2017 at the University of Pécs.

Summer school at the University of Pécs


A special study programme for students of the Japanese Josai International University was designed by the Centre for International Relations in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts to study Hungarian folk music, folk dance and English.




 Josai International University


The academic programmes are instructed  by the Faculty of Arts, while the Centre for International Realtaions has organized freetime activities and has taken care of other managing tasks. The  Foreign Languages Department of the faculty provides English as a foreign language classes.

During their stay the Japanese students will participate in  the 650th Anniversary Jubilee celebration, will make a study tour to t Budapest and the Zengő Band will organize them a Hungarian dance evening on the 3rd of September.


You shall not pass!