In Pécs as a Norwegian

Walking in te streets of Pécs you can meet with a lot of interesting faces. One of these was Kristian who is a Norwegian Erasmus-student at the University of Pécs right now. I asked him about his decision – why did he choose Pécs – and his opinion about the life around him, now and then.

Please, introduce yourself in a few words!

My name is Kristian Holm Pettersen, and I am a 20 years old Erasmus-student from Norway. In Norway I'm studying BSc in Business, in Pécs I'm studying in the same field.

Why did you choose Hungary and Pécs?

I wanted a unique experience and an Erasmus-semester that had some academic value but also focuses on having fun with other international students. I knew that Pécs would satisfy my requirements, because it seems like everyone who went here, was really happy about it. I arrived on 31st of January and I will leave some time in June. My favorite places in Pécs are in the city center because there are a lot of things to see that are different from what I am used to see in Norway, and I also love the bars in Pécs, of course.

What do you think about the Erasmus-program?

So far it has been really fun, but also very tiresome. That is because we are drinking or doing some kind of social activities every day. Erasmus program gave me a great opportunity to meet so many people and to find out something about different cultures. So I tasted a lot of different foods and drinks – and I can also learn about new traditions and carnivals around the world at the country presentations.

Do you see differences between Norwegian and Hungarian education?

There are a lot of differences between Hungarian and Norwegian education. First of all, at my Business School we don't have anything we "need" to do before the final exam. Our final exams count 100% on our grade, which are grades from F to A. Secondly, in Norway they usually don't take attendance, it makes you more responsible for your own education, but it is much harder, I think. Our auditoriums are very big in the undergraduate level with seats for up to 800 people; in Pécs you have small classrooms with a much closer relation with your professors, which is very nice.

Let's talk about celebrities after celebrations, traditions!

We celebrate not so much. We also have got Christmas, Easter and so on, but one of the most important is the Norwegian Constitution Day around the centre of May. In Norway we haven't got any cool celebrities, mostly we have like politicians. Except Ylvis, the "What does the fox say?" guys. I like them, it was so mainstream both in Norway and in Hungary, but everything they made is so weird. I think, they are the most famous celebrities in Norway right now. What are your plans for the future? I am planning to travel a lot during my Erasmus-semester. I would like to travel all the countries around there. Maybe Vienna next week, and I am going to Budapest also next week. Hungary has a great geographical position in Europe, and I want to take advantage of that. I were at the mohácsi busójárás Carnival last with ESN. It was pretty cool: a lot of people, very crowded, but it was fun. On the other hand, I would like to speak Hungarian, so I'm in a hungarian language course right now is my faculty. I like this language, but it's hard because of the endings and the words. Of course, I will learn these. The first Hungarian words that I've learnt were “szia” and “köszönöm”.

Why can you suggest Pécs to another Erasmus-student?

This city seems nice, it is really personal and social. I haven't met so many Hungarians before but the people who work in ESN and the other Erasmusstudents are so friendly and helpful.


Judit Szanyi-Nagy

You shall not pass!