Medical School is among the best universities in a Hungarian higher education ranking

A new higher education ranking was published by ’Heti Válasz’ (Hungarian weekly newspaper) already for  the 12th time.  This year, rankings evaluating the institutions on the basis of professors’ excellence have also been taken into consideration.

Medical School is among the best universities in a Hungarian higher education ranking



The initiators of the ranking strive to use ever more criteria in the evaluation of the institutions so that they can consider them according to the perspectives of the candidate students, the labor market and the academic field as well.

The ranking list was made in cooperation with the Education Office based on data of the higher education statistical database. The indicators contain, among others, oversubscription (it refers to popularity), the opinion of the employers, the opinion of the recruiters about the institution, National Scientific Student Circle awards, the proportion of the professors and students and the composition of the teaching staff.


Medical School is among the best universities in a Hungarian higher education ranking


According to the announcement of the Heti Válasz, a significant innovation was also introduced compared to the previous rankings: the institutions were ranked not only according to the excellence of the admitted students, but also the excellence of the professors. It was considered where the best-qualified lecturers are, the proportion of the professors and the students, that is, how personal education could be made.

This year the Medical School demanded the prestigious second place at the ranking in the field of medical and health science education, undivided general practitioner training and dentist undivided training, too.


Source: and

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