
PMS is Pécs Music Society, a group formed by music-loving and music-playing students of the University of Pécs. It’s not a band, or a single event, maybe better described as a ‘world-view’ to promote live music and musicians in Pécs. PMS started in 2010, at a table outside the old Fortuna Cáfé in the medical faculty, by a Swedish student Arvin Lashgarara (now living in Sweden) and Ian O’Sullivan.  The Society was born in UP, in the Medical School of UP to be precise, and maintains a close friendship with the university. UP students form the backbone of PMS, and we love to perform for the students and to invite them to participate. The main organizers are Ian O’Sullivan, András Langer and Alan Abada.


We are excited about our music events at the University of Pécs, and we do hope that you will be able to join us at the Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall and the Kodály Centre.

Date of event: 
2017. May 15. 19:00

We are excited about our music events at the University of Pécs, and we do hope that you will be able to join us at the Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall and the Kodály Centre.

Date of event: 
2017. May 12. 19:00

We are excited about our music events at the University of Pécs, and we do hope that you will be able to join us at the Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall and the Kodály Centre.

Date of event: 
2017. May 08. 19:00

We are excited about our music events at the University of Pécs, and we do hope that you will be able to join us at the Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall and the Kodály Centre.

Date of event: 
2017. May 03. 19:00

We are excited about our music events at the University of Pécs, and we do hope that you will be able to join us at the Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall and the Kodály Centre.

The UP has always been famous for its outstanding research performance. Therefore, we have launched a series of researcher portraits in order to present diversity, results and opportunities of the scientific work carried out at the UP. Identification of the exciting, attractive and powerful buzzwords which characterise the specific communication styles and values of the young age group are specialties of the portraits made by the Universitas Television of the UP. The next episode of these video series offers insight into the perceptions of the young researchers of different disciplines about the music.

If you would like to escape the classical Christmas hits played everywhere around and would like to hear some live-performances, there are several free concerts to visit in Pécs before the holidays. These intimate concerts of local choirs, bands and young musicians will most definitely sooth your soul and warm your heart.

If you would like to escape the classical Christmas hits played everywhere around and would like to hear some live-performances, there are several free concerts to visit in Pécs before the holidays. These intimate concerts of local choirs, bands and young musicians will most definitely sooth your soul and warm your heart.

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